Day 10…

Day 10 of my 15 days of giving back…Isn’t it amazing that some people will say what I’m doing is crazy and some other people will forever be grateful for having the opportunity to hear these people and learn from them…which of these are you? Larry D. James…

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Day 9…

When I started my business I had very little knowledge of just how important (Marketing) was. Now today everything I create, I create knowing just how I’m going to market it. This is video #9 of the 15 I’m sharing with you designed to introduce you to some people that can help you with you ideas, business, or whatever you’re doing. My way of (giving back)…enjoy…Larry D. James…

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Day 8…

I truly believe that we should all have at least some type of small business, the way the world is today at any time you could loose your job or they go bankrupt, or even sell the company and you no longer have a job, what do you do then? These people I’m introducing you to can help you get started on your journey of becoming a business owner and once you achieve that goal you will never have to work for others the rest of your life. Enjoy the ride…Larry D. James…

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Day 7 designed to help you…

Day 7 of my (giving back)…Remember these are people I study or have studied and my objective here is to share with you incites from people who have all the answers you need to look within yourself and bring out your greatness…Larry D. James…

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My (bonus) to you, the people whose followed my (GIVING BACK) series so far…Larry D. James…

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Video #6 of my way of giving back.

Today is Sunday the 6th of September 2015 and this is video # 6 of 15 that I’m sharing with my friends here and other places. When you truly want to make a difference in your life and the lives of others it’s absolutely necessary that you find a mentor. Of these 15 videos you have the opportunity to select one or two or as many as you like of these (tried and true mentors) that you can begin to follow and change your life. The choice is yours…enjoy the journey…Larry D. James…

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12 Principles of Leadership…Day 5…

Everyone successful is a leader, but the beautiful thing about that is not only the successful are leaders, we’re all leaders you simply have to learn where you’re suppose to lead. This is day 5 of the 15 days I’m sharing people I study or have studied in an effort to (give back). Remember success leaves clues, these videos ladies and gentlemen are clues…enjoy…Larry D. James…

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Day 4 Michael Beckwith…

This is someone I’ve studied who mixes knowledge with music and both together have a very informative and impactful effect on shifting or stirring up the passion inside of you to make you realize that the answer, regardless of the question is “YOU”…day 4…enjoy…Larry D. James

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Day 3 of 15 designed to change your life.

Day 3 ladies and gentlemen this so far has been a great experience for me and hopefully for you. Remember the beginning is the most difficult part of all success, so if this is the first video you’ve watched just keep watching from here until the end. Thanks in advance for making the decision to change (Your) life…Larry D, James…

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Day 2…

Alright for those of you who chose to consciously make a change in your life and follow my 15 days of giving back this is video # 2. Now don’t be concerned if not a lot of people will take the time to watch these videos because remember everyone wants success but not everyone is willing to pay the price of having it….enjoy…Larry D. James

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